EuMuse Musings
programs which explore Harmony in the order of Nature, Geometry and Music
part of EuMuse Harmony School – structured sound and wellbeing
EuMuse - Eu (Greek-Eus “good”) & Muse (Latin Musa, from Greek Mousa, "the Muse," “music” )
Musings - late 14c., act of pondering, meditation, thought
“You can never learn less, you can only learn more.” R. Buckminster Fuller
Gustav Klimt - Beethoven Frieze, 1902
EuMuse Musings program aims to stimulate invention and healing in personal, professional and cultural life. In personal and professional life, it responds to help people discover and reinforce their skills, formulate resonating networks and achieve continuous reflections on how to look beyond the traditional assumptions of business practice.
In cultural life, it aims to investigate how different forms of work, cooperation and education can establish the greater ability to integrate more branches of knowledge and fulfill the expanding aspirations of a new generation.
We seek to facilitate and generate new knowledge and understanding of the potential for progress that might be found by rediscovering what has been lost, and by pioneering what has never been tried.
Polymaths and the Power of Music
Well studied cases of polymaths and multidisciplinarians exhibit pattern of continuous effective creativity and engagement in multiple diverse interests, vocational or avocational. Pursuit of music played a critical role in the lives of Nobel Laureates - from Niels Bohr, Marie Curie, Max Planck, Albert Einstein and Erwin Schrödinger to Alexander Fleming, Richard Feynman, Frank Wilczek and Roger Penrose - by enhancing their creativity, problem-solving abilities, and overall cognitive flexibility.
Musical compositions, especially those by J. S. Bach, mirror the logical yet creative patterns found in mathematical equations, molecular structures, or physical laws.
This underscores the value of integrating music and the arts into broader educational and professional contexts, as they contribute to the cross-disciplinary thinking necessary for groundbreaking discoveries.
Rooted in decades of research and underpinned by founder’s intensive education in musicology, psychology, philosophy, sociology, mathematics, music neuroscience, archaeacoustics, biomusicology, music paleography, plant bioacoustics, and experience in multicultural and mindfulness-based approaches – EuMuse ultimately serves as both a guide to creative thinking and a call to broaden our understanding of what it means to be “creative”.
Telos of Wealth
Even if we act to erase material poverty and environmental challenges, there is another great task – it is to confront the poverty of beauty, purpose and dignity that afflicts us all.
A Greek term “telos” refers to the ultimate purpose, aim, or goal or practice – the reason why something is done or exists.
Aristotle’s telos of wealth was not amassing gold but achieving eudaimonia, a state of complete well-being and fulfillment - not merely pleasure or the absence of pain.
Stoics argued we can achieve eudaimonia through cultivating virtues - the excellences of human character. They thought to live a good life, we must identify and pursue experiences that allow us to express our virtues. “Happiness depends upon ourselves”, “Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.”
Practical Wisdom
In resonance with Aristotle’s telos - wisdom is not for theoretical debate but for practical application - EuMuse Musings aim to illuminate many dimensions of music listening and practice. In the world of mass communication and ready availability of music through instantaneous “mechanical reproduction” there is a need to make distinction between listening and hearing. Much music is heard, not much is listened to.
This work spans disciplines, continents and millennia – it is an art and science – and it is underscored by the innate journey into researching the civilizations of sound.
Every single thought, art image and musical piece is my humble creation of being brought together, under the power of Beauty.
Although EuMuse is credited to a single author, tangible and intangible contributions from many others permeate it throughout.
May we contemplate about irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration.
May we contemplate about how to raise happy, intelligent, and morally elevated children - because educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.
May we place the greatest value on things we cannot digitalize because there are no algorithms for love, friendship, human imagination, and creativity.
Marina de Moses
Music Universe in 52 Musings consists of:
Perspectives - short informational texts covering exceptionally interesting topics about music and sciences that showcase the expansive nature of what we do here, and the lens through which we can see our world
Sound Journey - EuMuse – science-based goal oriented music listening modules, and
Imaginal Inspirations - Artwork - public domain
The purpose of this series is to stimulate the students’ (late 14c., studient, "studious person, one who pursues knowledge”) critical abilities in order to enable them to appreciate the beauty and excellence of a work, to inspire coherent actions for transformational outcomes, and to induce students to an attempt to produce good things themselves.
It is our vision to question and open cracks in the certitudes of our modern worldview.
It is our commitment to fostering a culture of continuous learning and exploration.