“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. ”
What do Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein and numerous Nobel Laureates have in common? They were passionate about Bach's music.
Music - Art of Time and Eudaimonia
Greek philosophy was built upon the presupposition that happiness (Eudaimonia) i.e. human flourishing (eu=good + daimon=spirit) is the highest good. And the Greek word kalokagatia (kalos=beauty + agathos=good) was a natural combination in the Greek context. It was used not only for the descriptions of beautiful things, but also morally admirable character and conduct, and technically useful things.
It is this fusion of what some consider two distinct, incompatible entities – art and science – that ultimately elevates both; and the two, as one, can more readily accomplish their shared purpose – the healing and betterment of humanity. Or, in the words of Steve Jobs - “try to expose yourself to the best things that humans have done, and then try to bring those things into what you're doing”.
It has often been claimed, especially since Kant, that music is the art of time. Objects of musical perception, i.e. tones and tonal relations are presented to the listener progressively in time. The only way to experience it is through listening. And the road to that is time. There is no shortcut to find the meaning – in music (like in life) one doesn't make finale i.e., the end of a composition the point of the composition. Perhaps our happiness (as suggested, for example, by the French word for happy = heureux; heure=hour, time) may well consist primarily of an attitude toward time.